Training New Hires in Your Law Firm: The Case for an LMS

Training new hires in your firm: It can seem like Groundhog Day. With the revolving door of today’s marketplace, law firms are constantly saying goodbye to employees and hiring their replacements. While new blood can infuse a firm with energy and new ideas, it can also disrupt systems and efficiency.

Seasoned attorneys who join your firm have their own way of doing things, which may throw a monkey wrench into your firm’s systems. Fresh-faced new attorneys may know all the latest technologies and software programs but have zero idea how to apply it properly in your environment.

Your new hires need to be trained in “The Company Way,” and fast!

The most obvious way to streamline this constant training demand is through a Learning Management System that you can roll-out for each new hire and then also customize to each hire’s specific needs. Here are some benefits of using a robust LMS for new hire training:

  • Consistency: With a well-defined set of materials and training programs that each new hire must read, you know that you are training everyone in the same way.
  • Accountability: With an LMS, you can (or should be able to) track whether a new hire is studying the expected materials.
  • Trackable/reportable benchmarks: You can track a new hire’s progress and create reports on their actual success.
  • Test skills: An LMS can help you test a new hire’s competence with the skills you have assigned.
  • Rewards: Once the new hire achieves proficiency in each skill set, you can reward him or her with a certificate or office-wide kudos.

And, of course, having one universal system for new hire training means that you have saved time and money.

A quick note to those who crave an LMS for their firm but think they are cost-prohibitive: Savvy Training & Consulting has created an award-winning LMS that is available for a fraction of the cost of other learning management systems. Our clients pay no annual capital expense for hardware or software licenses. They invest nothing in developing and upgrading this legal-specific LMS; they only “pay to play.” And our content updates can be pushed to your system automatically. To learn more, visit us here.


Savvy Training & Consulting works with leading companies and technologies to deliver the most up-to-date training solutions and curricula to law firms. Savvy recently unveiled an award-winning Learning Management System (LMS) for law firms, SavvyAcademyTM, which delivers scalable training capabilities, reportable data down to the individual user and 24/7 support, all for a fraction of the cost of traditional LMS services. For a free demo, click here.


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